CHITTRA UNNAYAN SANGSTHA (CUS) is a Bangladeshi non-governmental organization (NGO) which aims to help people in remote and unaddressed communities to reach their full potential. The Organization has been established in 1997 but registration get from 2000, in the name of CHITTRA UNNAYAN SANGSTHA (CUS). As a Social Development Organization, started its journey with the goal to build a healthy society where all people are able to meet the basic human needs with full of joy and peace.


To increase income and employment of ultra poor and pro-poor particularly landless, small and marginal farmers with special attention to women in rural areas through increasing productivity and production of crops, horticulture, forestry, fisheries, livestock and poultry, Agriculture and environment related programs are closely intertwined with global climate change and as well as marketing support to the farmers for fair price of products.


Creative social transformation through promoting, assisting and encouraging deprived and marginalized people to build institutions, capacities and processes towards prosperity, sustainability and democratic self governance.


A Society citizens enjoyed equal opportunity and have human rights and living with dignity).


CHITTRA UNNAYAN SANGSTHA (CUS) work for following objectives

  • ✅ To provide training to the jobless, half jobless, young boys and girls, poor, illiterate people disabled male and female throughout the project areas.
  • ✅ To build a self-reliant economy for overall socio-economic development of the landless and grub-street people by ensuring equality, creating own funding savings and social capital.
  • ✅ To identify the new avenue for income generating using off farm programs including fish culture through leasing the pond and re-excavation, poultry firming, Cattle rearing/ fattening and diversified the wetlands agricultural production.
  • ✅ To provide skills training to the unskilled people on job oriented trades for producing various products and market them to increase their income.
  • ✅ To raise awareness of the community people on social, economical political and environmental issues.
  • ✅ To motivate people on ecological issues, through various environmental preservation and conservational interventions including environmental education, promotion of rural nursery, expand social forestry and organic agriculture.
  • ✅ To promote child education to the neglected dropped out children and regularized them in schools.
  • ✅ To improve the gender equity and gender equality in participation of socioeconomic planning and development activities.
  • ✅ During natural calamities in the affected areas the NGO provide relief activities and rehabilitation program
  • ✅ Sanitary latrines and arsenic free water were arranged for the land less and rehabilitation program for poor people in the working area.
  • ✅ National days and other important days were observed with the govt. departments with cooperation and other important days were observed with the govt. Departments with cooperation and coordination to organize seminars and symposium.
  • ✅ Human rights of the oppressed children woman, destitute groups of people, land less and disabled are to be established.
  • ✅ To assist and rehabilitate the helpless children, destitute women, old- aged groups through IGA initiative and skill provisioning
  • ✅ To develop unity, solidarity and reciprocal cooperation.